Terms of Use

All products and information offered for sale on Cell-Phone-Detective.com are supplied to customers and visitors in good faith. Accessing any page on this website or making a purchase does not guarantee the legality of use in all countries, states or regions. We do not encourage or condone the illegal application of any of the products found here. Data or voice interception of any kind, including phones, mobile devices or computers, without the explicit consent of all parties involved may violate privacy rights and the laws that govern them. It is up to the user to learn about all related legislation in their area and act accordingly.

Software products available on Cell-Phone-Detective.com will not notify any party involved in monitored conversations. It is the user’s responsibility to notify those contributing that conversations and data transfers may be intercepted and monitored. It is advised that all users obtain competent legal advice from a professional before utilizing this type of monitoring tool. All product details and related information provided on this website is intended for general reference and educational purposes only. It is up to the user to take all necessary steps to determine whether their intended application for the products found here will be subject to privacy laws in their area.

Any content publishers and the website owner will not be responsible for any damages, loss or risks caused by the utilization of this site by individuals or groups. The previously mentioned parties disclaim all liability, demand, claim and/or expenses incurred by groups or individuals who use the information, advice and/or suggestions published on any page within this website. Absolutely no guarantees or promises are made regarding the legality and/or suitability of techniques or methods found here.

Intended Purpose

Every product sold on Cell-Phone-Detective.com is intended to be used for legal monitoring methods only. Each service or software product discussed or offered are meant for monitoring children, employees or other individuals using a computer, mobile device or phone that the user either owns or possesses the necessary consent to monitor. All potential users of a target device must be advised that their communications can and may be monitored. Giving any party use of a device, phone or computer without notifying them of this fact can violate laws within your state or country. If a software product or information found here is used without the required consent, we will be required to comply with requests and inquiries made by law enforcement.

Affiliate Status

Visitors are informed that this site is an affiliate of the products discussed here. All parties accessing content found on any page of this site automatically agrees to adhere to the terms of use and User Legal Agreement produced by the manufacturer of the product.

Data Gathering, Sharing and Use

All content and information found on or collected by this site remains the property of the website’s owner. Data and personal information collected from users is provided voluntarily by the user when contacting our website staff directly or by email. All information collected will never be sold or rented to any third party for any reason.

Information collected from or offered by users is utilized based on the original reason for initiating contact. All data gathered will be kept confidential unless it is necessary to share it with another organization or individual in order to satisfy the user’s request. Our site may also send communications to provide information on events, products and updates. The user may contact us to request removal from emailing lists if they would like to stop receiving communications.

Security of Data

All website staff members take logical and reasonable measures to protect user privacy. We keep all personal identifying data protected in both online and offline settings. All content found on any page of this site as well as the privacy policy and terms of use are subject to change without user notification.

We urge users to read through all related licensing agreements before purchasing or using any product discussed on this site or any other site. By buying and using the software, the user is automatically bound to the manufacturer’s policies and terms. The user should review the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) of any product purchased.